
CASE OF DÁNIEL KARSAI v. HUNGARY (Application no. 32312/23)

June 13, 2024

Today the First Section of the European Court of Human Rights held by 6 votes to 1, that there had been no violation of Article 8 of the Convention taken alone and also by 6 votes to 1, that there had been no violation of Article 14 in conjunction with Article 8 of the Convention. Only Judge Felici delivered his dissent opinion by citing Dworkin.

Visiting Researcher
Budapest, Nador u. 9, Faculty Tower

Welcome Judit Zeller, a visiting researcher, to our team!

June 13, 2024

We are happy to welcome Judit Zeller, a visiting researcher, to our team! Judit will be with us for the summer, bringing her expertise in human rights and bioethics in the legal context to our ongoing projects.

Let's give her a warm welcome. We're looking forward to the insights and collaboration she'll bring to our work.

Welcome aboard, Judit!

CELAB ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 is out!

June 5, 2024

The year of 2023 was overshadowed by wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East, in Israel and Gaza. In addition, while the Covid-19 pandemic has still not disappeared, outbreaks of serious diseases were much less frequent and strict measures were no longer applied.

Transformations of Postwar Europe International Conference Organized within the Leviathan Project in Sofia, Bulgaria

June 5, 2024

The Leviathan Project Team in Sofia organized an international symposium with the title “Transformations of Postwar Europe: Medicine, Bodies and Technologies", on May 27–30, 2024.

Workshop ‘1954 – Több mint desztalinizáció’ [1954 – More than destalinization]

Workshop ‘1954 – Több mint desztalinizáció’ [1954 – More than destalinization]

Budapest, Central European University May 23, 2024


Expertise in medicine and the human sciences during the 20th century in Europe and beyond Prague 16-18 May 2024


Expertise in medicine and the human sciences during the 20th century in Europe and beyond

Prague 16-18 May 2024

International Conference - "Transformations of postwar Europe: medicine, bodies and technologies"



Dates: 27 – 30 May 2024
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

LEVIATHAN seminar series - Clinical Research Across the Iron Curtain: Contraceptives in Socialist Yugoslavia

April 29, 2024

LEVIATHAN seminar series - Critique of eugenics in post-World War II medical articles in state socialist Hungary

March 18, 2024