
2021 ICON•S Conference


ICON•S is an international learned society with members from all around the globe. Members include scholars in all fields of law and beyond to the humanities and social sciences, and at all levels of seniority, from students to emeritus faculty. ICON•S provides its members with the best avenues for building meaningful relationships and exchanging ideas internationally to advance its mission.

The first 15 Annual Reports of the Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine ( CELAB)

May 12, 2021
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The first 15 Annual Reports of the Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine ( CELAB).

"DECISIONS AT THE END OF LIFE" - paper by Judit Sandor - was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list

May 12, 2021

Judit Sandor's paper, "DECISIONS AT THE END OF LIFE", was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: AARN: Medicine & Ethics (Topic), AARN: Wills & Inheritance (Topic), Health Psychology eJournal, Legal Anthropology: Family Law eJournal, PRN: Biomedical Ethics (Sub-Topic) and PsychRN: Chronic Illnesses, Disabilities, & Rehabilitation (Topic).

CEU’s Borderless Knowledge project - CEU and Qubit announce a joint Call for Essay Applications

May 4, 2021
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CEU and Qubit are announcing a joint essay competition related to the "Borderless Knowledge project" for university and college students.

read more here (in Hungarian)

Judit Sandor (Director, CELAB) is member of the jury.

The Organism in Bioethics: Scientific and philosophical considerations

April 23, 2021
László Nemes
Thursday, April 29, 2021, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Edited lives - Bioethical visions?

April 4, 2021

Do we already have enough knowledge to construct human genes? Should we use this technique for embryos? How do biotechnology and ethics correlate?

In February we had a bioethics Session within Boarderless Knowledge. 

Webinar: European Association of Health Law - Vaccination passports

March 25, 2021 

European Association of Health Law

Vaccination passports 

Media Spotlight: CEU's Covid-19 Expert Commentary and Research, November 2020-March 2021

March 17, 2021

"Director of the Center for Ethics in Law and Biomedicine (CELAB) Judit Sandor also continued to share her expertise in a wide variety of media outlets in Hungary.

CEU Határtalan Tudás Online: Szerkesztett életek- Bioetikai jövőképek

February 26, 2021

A CEU „Határtalan tudás” című rendezvénysorozatban vettek részt a CELAB kutatói:

(2021. február 25.)

CEU Határtalan Tudás Online: Szerkesztett életek- Bioetikai jövőképek

February 17, 2021

Tudunk-e már eleget ahhoz, hogy beleszerkesszünk az emberi génekbe? Használhatjuk-e ezt a technikát az embriók esetében? Miként tud a biotechnológia és az etika egymással szót érteni?