

Judit Sandor will present at an interdisciplinary seminar on „Reproductive medicine and ethics“ that will be held on the 3rd of November 2022.
The seminar brings together researchers from medical sciences and humanities to discuss about reproductive medicine from molecular biology to clinical practice as well as ethical questions.
The event takes place in a hybrid format in Tartu and Zoom. Participation is free and requires registration.

Children's Rights in Biomedicine Conference

September 8, 2022
children's rights

On September 12, the Department of Law at Uppsala University hosts its conference “Children's Rights in Biomedicine” to scrutinize scientific risk and uncertainty in biomedical interventions.

European researchers, experts, and policymakers will come together at the conference to discuss whether national and international legal frameworks effectively protect children from scientific risks and uncertainty in the biomedical sphere.

Judit Sandor will talk on "Genome Editing" on 13 September.

34th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine & Health Care

August 25, 2022
The 34th European Conference: Diversity and Bioethics is organized by the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare (espmh), the Center for Bioethics & Biolaw at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw, as well as the Bioethics Committee at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

ICON•S Conference on Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law 2022

The ICON•S Conference on Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law is one of the most important public law events of 2022. Featuring plenary sessions, concurrent panels, interest groups, workshop, and social events, it will bring together scholars and practicioners from all parts of the world and all areas of public law—administrative, constitutional, international and beyond.

Governing, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing: The Significance of ELSPI Perspectives

June 8, 2022
Decorative image

The Nordic Permed Law special issue on Ethical, Legal, Social, and Policy Perspectives in Genome Editing hosted by the European Journal of Health Law and co-edited by Santa Slokenberga, Ana Nordberg, and Timo Minssen is finally out!

The Right to Have a Child: Through the Lens of the Third Phase Reproductive Technologies.

June 1, 2022
Cambridge Handbook

Judit Sandor’ s latest work on womb transplantation, surrogacy and on the artificial womb was published by Cambridge University Press in May 2022. 

Sándor, J. (2022). The Right to Have a Child: Through the Lens of the Third Phase Reproductive Technologies. Chapter in: M. Ienca, O. Pollicino, L. Liguori, E. Stefanini, & R. Andorno (Eds.), The [Cambridge Handbook of Information Technology, Life Sciences and Human Rights (Cambridge Law Handbooks, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.]

Conference on: “A historical perspective of the Covid-19 pandemic” - Zaragoza


Conference on:

“A historical perspective of the Covid-19 pandemic”

Zaragoza, 10/05/2022

Palacio de la Aljafería


17,30 h. Welcome:

José Tudela Aranda (Secretario General de la Fundación Manuel Giménez Abad)

Julián Casanova (Catedrático de Historia Contemporánea, Universidad de Zaragoza)


17,40 h.: An introduction to pandemics in history

10th International Conference for Education in Ethics University of Padua: ETHICS EDUCATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES: COOPERATION OR CONFLICT?


The International Association for Education in Ethics

is organizing its

10th International Conference for Education in Ethics


CELAB Annual Report 2020-21 is out!

April 11, 2022

Take a look at the brand new CELAB Annual Report 2020-21:

Find out the research, policy and academic activities by the researchers of the center, read about our events and and achievements in 2020-21.


Bioethics in Action III. A Seminar series by the RUEBES - Bioethics and Capitalism. Struggling for Justice and Equity