“Legal Reflections on the Changing Concept of the Human Body in the Twenty-First Century” - seminar by Judit Sandor
The University Research Priority Program "Human Reproduction Reloaded" | H2R invited young scholars (particularly PhD researchers and postdocs) interested in biomedical ethics and law and related fields to the seminar “Legal Reflections on the Changing Concept of the Human Body in the Twenty-First Century”.
The seminar is given by Prof. Judit Sándor, director of the Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine at Central European University in Vienna and visiting professor at the University of Zurich. It takes place in English on 25 October 2021 from 9.15 – 11.15 am.
Seminar description
The seminar explores how the concept of the human body has changed in the 21st century and discusses the challenges this conceptual shift poses to human rights. We see how the biopolitical legacy of post-war Europe influences the contemporary uses of biotechnological advances. These biopolitical discourses have, by now, become the subject of intense debates all over the world. New reproductive technologies, various DNA and mRNA interventions of genome editing, and biobanking are among those technological innovations that have come to shape our understanding of the human body. In the first part of the seminar, we shall examine the new legal contours of the human body through discussions of case studies and their analyses. During the second part, we discuss research and work in the intersection of biotechnology and law. The overall aim of the seminar is to allow young researchers to discover the possibilities and challenges of this multidisciplinary field.
read more: https://www.humanreproduction.uzh.ch/en/News-and-Events/Events/Guest-Lecture.html