Monday, July 1, 2019 - 9:00am to Thursday, July 4, 2019 - 6:00pm
ICON-s Conference
July 1- 4 July, 2019 Pontifical Catholic University of Chile in Santiago
Panel 57 Public law and bioethics in time of change. Reflection on human rights concepts and biomedical issues
Chair: Grainne De Burca
Maria Kalogirou “Reproductive technologies – reproductive rights? Medically assisted reproduction in French and in Greek Law: Different concepts but same type of protection”
Enrique Santamaria “Genetic research on human biological samples (HBS). Old and new challenges for public and private law”
Judit Sandor “Legal Consequences of Genetic Textuality”
Laurie Marguet “The change of the legal framework governing Surrogacy in the France and Germany”