35th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care

September 18, 2023
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The conference was organized by the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare, the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia, and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Latvia. Over the last 50 years many methodological approaches have been applied by scholars in bioethics and philosophy of medicine with varying measures of success. The conference reflects on this experience and highlights debates on hard methodological problems and new exciting methodological advances. 

Judit Sandor and Peter Kakuk attended the 35th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care held in Riga between 23 and 26 August, 2023. This year the topic was “Methods in Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine”

In this conference Judit Sandor discussed the role of bioethics methods in the biopolitics of reproduction. Through numerous historical and contemporary examples she looked at various interpretations of eugenics and pronatalism in reproduction and in population politics in different political regimes.

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